Weekend For Good 2025

Nov 7-9, 2025 @ Downtown Grand Rapids

Board President Bethany Paquette speaks to a full crowd during Weekend for Good 2023 at Start Garden


Every year volunteers who are experts in software development, design and other fields are selected to gather for three days to donate their time and expertise to local non-profits. 

Code for Good provides workspace, food, coffee, and encouragement.

Our non-profit partners walk away with custom software to further their charitable missions. In turn, those non-profits create meaningful change here in Grand Rapids and around the globe.

Weekend for Good has helped over 130 local non-profits benefit from over $4,000,000 in donated time from local designers and developers.

A group of volunteers are smiling, enjoying food and conversation in the cafeteria

I want to donate my time!

Two developers are working at their laptops, deep in concentration

Can you help my non-profit?

Where is weekend for good this year?

We’re still working on that!


(This schedule is tentative and subject to change)

Friday, November 7

  • Registration/Networking: 5:30 6:30 PM
  • Welcome from Code for Good: 6:30 6:45 PM
  • Dinner: 6:45 7:30 PM
  • Project work begins: 7:30 PM
  • Building locked: 9:00 PM
  • Building closed: 12:00 AM

Saturday, November 8

  • Building unlocked: 7:00 AM
  • Breakfast: 7:30 – 10:00 AM
  • Lunch: 1:00 – 2:30 PM
  • Dinner/Mix & Mingle: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Building locked: 9:00 PM
  • Building closed: 12:00 AM

Sunday, November 9

  • Building unlocked: 7:00 AM
  • Breakfast: 8:00 – 10:00 AM
  • Lunch: 12:00 – 1:30 PM
  • Slides Due: 1:00 PM
  • Presentations: 2:00 PM
  • WFG closes & cleanup: 3:30 PM
Three members of a project team pause their work to smile for a photo
A developer working at her laptop

WEekend For Good FAQs

Whether you have been selected or not, you should have received an email from volunteer@codeforgoodwm.org explaining what role we have available for you, or if you are on the wait-list. Check your email! If you applied to volunteer but still have not received word of whether you were selected, please reach out using our contact page.

​​We are limited, in part, by the physical space we have available for the event; putting 10 volunteers in a room meant for 4 makes everyone uncomfortable, and doesn’t do much good for our nonprofit beneficiaries.

We assign volunteers to teams based on availability, space, and how well their skills match the nonprofit’s project needs.

If you weren’t selected, it is not a comment on your skill or ability. We would use every person who volunteers if we could. If you know of an organization willing to donate a space that’s capable of hosting 16+ teams of 6-10 people next year, please reach out!


This year we’re still working on a location and should have some news soon.

If did not receive an email assigning you to a role this year, stay home and enjoy your weekend. We love you and thank you for volunteering, but we don’t have enough space or work for all the wonderful people who have applied. Stay tuned for our event!

​If you were selected to participate, you should have received a volunteer information packet by email, as well as an email from your volunteer team lead. Those emails should have everything you need; and if they don’t, please contact our volunteer team.

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